About NEO
Get to know us
Shoot to the stars
Our mission
Use our talent to bring positive change to the world.
We take great pride in our work as business consultants.
Our work gives us the opportunity to touch our clients lives and make them better.
The challenge of coming to a new business and make it reach success is something we are passionate about
Behind the scenes
Who are we?
Established by business owners for business owners
Established in 2018 by Noam Somech.
“With more than 10 years as an entrepreneur and a business owner, I am aware of the pressures, risks and challenges that you, as an entrepreneur may face.
Our goal in Neo Initiatives is to provide our clients with academic knowledge, experience, failure & success stories as relevant guidelines. Helping our clients to improve their mindset as entrepreneurs and creating long term sustainable growth for your business.”
Shot to the stars
Our mission
Use our talent to bring positive change to the world.
We take great pride of our work as business consultants.
Our work gives us the opportunity to touch our clients lives and make them better.
The challenge of coming to a new business and make it reach success is something we enjoy doing. In a way, it’s like solving a complicated riddle only that the price for solving it is success.

About NEO
Get to know us
The Team
Visionary | Inspirator | Strategy & Marketing expert
With 10 years as an entrepreneur and as a
business owner, I am aware of the pressure,
risks and challenges of being in your shoes.
Certified translator
Accurate | Creative | communicative
Equipped with specialized linguistics master’s degree and experience translating well over a thousand translations to various customers.
Contact Us

About the Firm
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Pellentesque fermentum erat a dolor porttitor tempor. Aenean eu porta lorem. Sed ullamcorper gravida sapien vulputate pellentesque. Duis quis commodo sem. Integer eros purus, tincidunt sed sagittis quis, dignissim et tortor. Nunc vitae massa tempor, finibus lectus ac, scelerisque diam.
Firm Partners
Jillian Scott
Jillian Scott, Esq. is the managing partner of Markowitz & Mellencamp, P.C., established in 1983. Jillian has been accredited by the American Bar Association. As a leading lawyer in the firm, Jillian uses her experience and personal relationships to get results for all M&M’s clients. She is a talented and hard working attorney who never stops trying to bring another win for her clients.

Andrew michaels
Andrew holds a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) degree, and has over 18 years of experience as a prosecutor in New York State. Andrew has personally handled quite a few high-profile cases, both as prosecutor as well as a defense lawyer. He has represented over 100 New York firms in various litigations, an has only lost once, throughout his entire career. It wasn’t his fault, the guy was clearly guilty.
Robert Jeffries
Robert might look like a sweet old man, but when he puts on the famous litigation suit, he becomes a cunning lion. You really want a guy like Robert on your team. Finding loop holes and loose ends is what has made Robert famous in the New York district and beyond as one of the shrudest, most highly skilled lawyer in the business. Don’t miss his closing arguments, they have never failed.